How to get from Paris to Marseille - all ways


Find out about all the ways to get from Paris to Marseille on your own. What to choose: train, bus, car or plane? Schedules and prices. Where to buy tickets? Tips on how to save money.

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How to get from Paris to Marseille by train

If you like fast driving and safe transport, get from Paris to Marseille by high speed train TGV - it only takes 3-3.5 hours. The journey is quite comfortable. There is enough space on the trains to store luggage, and in the reclining seats you can even take a nap.

schedule... Trains leave from the station Gare de lyon and come to the Marseille train station St-Charles... There are 13 direct trains and 2 connections daily in Lyon. The first train leaves at 06:07 and the last at 20:19. Waiting time between trains is from 20 minutes to an hour. Check the Omio website for the exact timetable.

Where can I buy a ticket... For trains Paris - Marseille, tickets cost from 40 euros. You can buy online on the Russian-language service Omio and the website of the French railways, as well as at the ticket offices and electronic machines at the Gare de Lyon. After payment, you will receive a ticket in PDF format by e-mail. Print it out and come to the station!

How to save... The earlier you buy your ticket, the less you pay.

How to get by bus from Paris to Marseille

Tourists who are trying not to spend extra money independently travel from Paris to Marseille by intercity buses. The trip turns out to be cheap - from 16 euros with a transfer and from 25 euros for a direct flight. But the journey is quite long and tiring - from 10 hours.

schedule... Buses BlaBlaBus Paris - Marseille departs from Paris bus station Paris quai de bercy and arrive at the Marseille train station St-Charles... There are connecting flights in Lyon, Toulouse, Dijon, Grenoble and Perpignan.

Where can I buy a ticket... Tourists take tickets from ticket offices and machines at the bus station. When buying online, we recommend using the Russian-language Omio service. It is very convenient! You will not need to stand in lines and deal with the interface of electronic machines.

How to save... Take a shuttle Euroline... There are 3 flights per day, 2 of them at night. The bus starts from the station Gallieni and in 13 hours 45 minutes arrives in Marseille. Shuttle tickets start at € 19.

Airplane from Paris to Marseille

The fastest way to get from Paris to Marseille is by plane. The flight lasts 1 hour and 10 minutes. Most planes fly from Paris airport Orly (ORY)and some from the airport Charles de Gaulle (CDG)... There are flights to Marseille from early morning until evening at intervals of one hour. Airline tickets of the most popular carrier Air France cost 155 euros.

Arrival airport - Marseille Provence (MRS) - located 27 km from Marseille. After landing, you will have to get to the city by taxi or public transport, so the plane is in many ways inferior to high-speed trains.

How to save... Get your tickets in advance and you can fly away for only 49 euros.

Where can I find cheap tickets? Use the search engines Aviasales and Skyscanner to compare prices of all airlines. Find out the secrets of finding cheap flights.

BlaBlaCar ride

If you like to travel in comfort but don't want to spend a lot of money on a taxi, look for fellow travelers! Quite good deals from drivers who drive between Paris and Marseille can be found on the BlaBlaCar website.

Paris to Marseille by car

The distance from Paris to Marseille by car is 773 km. It can be driven in 7.5-8 hours. A taxi to Marseille is expensive - at least 900 euros, so it is more profitable to rent a car. This can be done at any of the Paris airports or in the city.

There is a wide choice, so you can easily find a suitable car and rental conditions for yourself. Renting an economy class car with return in Marseille costs from 130 euros. Add to this the amount of the deposit, fuel money, toll roads and parking. Find out all the nuances of car rental abroad.

How to save... Book a rental for a few days and plan an interesting autotrip in France. Check out the places you haven't visited before! Renting an economy class car for a week from Paris with a return in Paris costs from 100 euros.

What is the best way to get from Paris to Marseille

It is not difficult to get from Paris to Marseille on your own. Determine your priorities and you will easily find the right type of transport!

Intercity buses are suitable for thrifty tourists, students and families without children. They are cheap to travel, but the journey takes a long time. If you want to avoid the tiring drive, travel from Paris to Marseille on a comfortable high-speed train.

The fastest way to get from Paris to Marseille on your own is by plane. The flight is short, but the road to the airport, pre-flight waiting, passport control, baggage claim and moving from Marseille airport to the city take a lot of time and effort.

For a trip with a family or a group of friends, renting a car is suitable. You will not depend on the public transport schedule and make stops at any place you like. On your way to Marseille, visit the beautiful French cities of Auxerre, Avallon, Pouilly-en-Auxois, Beaune, Chalon-sur-Saone, Tournus, Charnay-le-Maconne and Villefranche-sur-Saone.
