How to get to Altai: all the ways


On the eve of the trip to Altai, we considered different ways to get to the republic from Moscow and we hasten to share them with you. What is the best way to travel: by train, car or plane? Choosing the best route. The pros and cons of each option. Ticket prices in 2021.

Below we will consider options for how you can get to Altai from Moscow by plane, train and car, as well as combined options. The same methods are suitable for many other large cities in Russia. We also publish useful links where you can find out the transport schedule, purchase tickets and book accommodation.

If your path to Altai lies from another city in Russia, then the key question that you have to solve is whether to get through Moscow or immediately go / fly to Altai. Everything will depend on the geographic location of your city and on the presence or absence of convenient flights and railway connections.

Airplane + bus / train

An airplane is undoubtedly the most comfortable and fastest way to get to Altai from Moscow, this is the most preferable option. You can fly to Gorno-Altaysk, Barnaul and Novosibirsk, and your further route depends on the city of arrival and the place where you are going. The prices are not very low, but time and effort are saved if you take a direct flight! You can, of course, be combined with a train (one way - by plane, and the other - by train), but this, in our opinion, is tiresome.


The flight from Moscow to Gorno-Altaysk and back in 2021 is not very expensive - the cheapest tickets that are currently available cost 14-16 thousand rubles in both directions (S7, economy fare without luggage, with 1 or 2 transfers ), on average, a ticket can be purchased for 17-22 thousand rubles. Direct flights - from 20 thousand rubles. Transfers are usually quite long, it is better to take a direct flight.

You can get from Gorno-Alataisk to the destination you need by bus or car - there are a lot of private taxi drivers, bargain. We advise you to choose trusted taxi companies, for example, KiwiTaxi - you will be met at the airport, prices are fixed, you can pay for the trip online.

It is better to arrive to Gorno-Altaysk as early as possible in order to get to the final destination after dark. There are regular buses to Belokurikha, Aktash, Ulagan, Tungur and other villages.

Pros: direct flight, the least number of crossings, saving time and effort.

Minuses: not very cheap.


Air tickets to Barnaul from Moscow in 2021 cost from 14 thousand rubles. Further from Barnaul you can get by train or commuter train to Biysk (about 3 hours on the way, the cost is 500-600 rubles in both directions by commuter train and about 1000 in a reserved seat). In addition, buses run to Biysk (3 hours on the way, from 275 rubles one way) and Gorno-Altaysk (about 5 hours on the road, from 580 rubles one way). Then take a taxi to Lake Aya and other places.

Pros: slightly cheaper than the first option.

Minuses: a lot of transfers, which is inconvenient with a lot of luggage and takes a lot of time.


You can get from Moscow to Altai through Novosibirsk - it is cheaper, but longer. You can fly to Novosibirsk in the spring of 2021 from 6-7 thousand, in the summer - from 10 thousand rubles (round trip). Then you can take a train or bus to Biysk (from 558 and 666 rubles, respectively), there is also a bus to Gorno-Altaysk (from 1150 rubles one way, about 8-9 hours on the way).

The pros and cons are the same as the previous option.

How to get to Altai by train

You can also get to Altai from Moscow by train, if only you are able to withstand about 60-62 hours one way (since it is not known what fellow travelers you will come across). Consider a train to Biysk - the city closest to Gorny Altai (prices are about the same for Barnaul and Novosibirsk).

A ticket to a reserved seat carriage for the Moscow - Biysk train costs from 3 thousand rubles, to a compartment carriage - from 6 thousand one way (sometimes for this money you can fly to Novosibirsk!) item. This method is good if you are traveling with a cheerful company, like trains and changing landscapes outside the window.

By train you can get to Biysk, Novosibirsk and Barnaul, then - by bus or train, and then by taxi. There is no railway in Gorno-Altaysk.

Pros: romance, beautiful landscapes, fun pastime (if you are traveling with a company), cheapness (if you are traveling in a reserved seat).

Minuses: discomfort, waste of time, unpleasant companions are possible, stuffiness in the carriage (if old), high price (if you are traveling in a compartment).

How to get to Altai by car

This option is suitable for those who like to travel by car. The advantage of this method is that a long road itself is an adventure and a journey, especially if you visit nearby cities and see the sights. And what landscapes along the way! The Chuisky tract will not leave anyone indifferent.

Another advantage of traveling to Altai by car is that you don't have to worry about overweight and take as many things as will fit in the trunk. Tents, sleeping bags and other tourist equipment will easily fit into the car. And the main plus: having a car (or better, an SUV) will allow you to see much more beautiful places in Altai than to hikers.

You can get to Gorny Altai from Moscow by car along the M7 or M5 highways, then along the M51 and M52 highways (P256). In general, the road is good. According to tourists, the route to Chelyabinsk is heavily loaded.

As you can see, there are a lot of advantages of this method, but there are also minuses: waste of time, inconvenience on the road (not everyone can withstand a long journey in one position), in some places poor coverage, traffic congestion, etc.

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So what is the best way to get to Gorny Altai? In our opinion, the most interesting way is by car, and the most comfortable and fastest way is by plane to Gorno-Altaysk + taxi. Weigh all the pros and cons, calculate the budget and choose the option that best suits you.

Where to live in Altai? Look for hotels and recreation centers on the search engine Roomguru, it will select the most profitable options among a variety of booking systems. But we advise you to search for and book housing in the private sector on the popular Airbnb service - there are many interesting and inexpensive options.
