Interesting places in Bangkok on your own


Let's find out what you can see in Bangkok on your own from interesting places? Vacation for all tourists is accompanied by lying all day on the beach and nightlife, but do not forget that there are also the sights of Bangkok, which should not be forgotten. All places are worthy of your attention and we will tell you about the most amazing sights right now.

In our article on a walk in Bangkok, we have already briefly talked about some places, but in this article we will try to tell and tell you all the information much more broadly, let's go ... so, the sights of Bangkok for an independent tourist

Royal Palace

The first thing that you better see in Bangkok is the Royal Palace, every tourist having a rest here should see this miracle of historical architecture. The Royal Palace was rebuilt in the 18th century and was home to the royal family, but now no one lives there and the palace is a huge outdoor museum.

The territory of the Royal Palace occupies almost 220 thousand square meters, on this huge territory there are about 100 pagodas and several buildings, all this is surrounded by walls, the length of which is 2 kilometers. In this place, you will see a real royal residence, offices, temples, the royal family library, historically frescoes and much more with a mesmerizing spirit.

The Royal Palace is open from 9 am to 5 pm, the entrance fee to the Royal Palace is 350 baht or 11 dollars. Do not forget to cover your nail (cover your shoulders and knees), otherwise they will not be allowed. The best way to get there is by boat or by taxi.

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Temple of the Reclining Buddha or Wat Pho

Temple Wat Pho or Temple of the Reclining Buddha. We have already talked about it in our previous article, but still we will tell you again. Here is the largest reclining Buddha in all of Thailand. Its lying state shows us the transition to the state of nirvana.

The Buddha statue reaches 15 meters in height and 47 meters in length, just imagine how huge it is. The statue is made from a mixture of plaster and sand and is completely gilded. This temple was built in the 16th century and is the largest temple in all of Thailand, every tourist can ring a bell or light a candle, but do not interfere with the local people to pray.

This place can be visited on the same day along with the Royal Palace, they are located next to each other. The cost to Wat Pho is just under one dollar.

Temple of the Emerald Buddha

The next place you need to visit is the Temple of the Emerald Buddha. Again, this temple is located next to the Royal Palace and the cost of entering here is also less than one dollar. In the temple of the Emerald Buddha you will be met by the Buddha himself, but not as huge as in Wat Pho, but only 65 centimeters in height.

The Buddha statue in this temple was not made of emerald, as you might think, but of ordinary jadeite. But on the other hand, Buddha can be changed according to the season, this tradition is done three times a year, only a rabbit can change the Buddha.

What you can see in Bangkok from the marine theme - Siam Ocean World Aquarium. This aquarium is the largest of all aquariums in this part of Asia, located in the basement of the Siam Paragon shopping center. The area of ​​the entire room for the aquarium is almost 10 thousand square meters, there are more than 29 thousand marine inhabitants and mammals in aquariums.

The Siam Ocean World aquarium is divided into zones with different themes, here you can even take a ride on a small boat, swim for a fee in the aquarium and feed the marine life. The entrance fee to the aquarium is 950 baht or 32 dollars per adult, a ticket for a child will cost 25 dollars or 720 baht. The aquarium is open from 9 am to 10 pm.

Bayoke Sky Hotel

The next place will be the Bayoke Sky Hotel, it has an amazing observation deck on the 84th floor, you can only get to the 84th floor by elevator, and with a completely transparent bottom, a spectacle not for the faint of heart people who are afraid of heights.

We advise you to be here before sunset and do not forget to take your camera with you, an amazing sight awaits you! The entrance fee to the observation deck is 350 baht or $ 11. If you decide to visit this hotel, you can see and find it from anywhere in the city, but you can best get to it by metro to the station RatchaPrarop.

The opening hours of the observation deck of the Bayoke Sky Hotel are from 10 am to 11 pm, it is worth adding one minus, recently a blocking plastic screen was built through which you can see everything, but it is no longer possible to take an excellent photo.

Temple of the Golden Buddha

Temple of the Golden Buddha. Here you will be greeted by a statue of Buddha made of pure gold, the weight of the statue is about 6 tons, the height of the Buddha is 3 meters, real sapphires and pearls are installed in the eyes of the Buddha. We advise you to visit an interesting place in Bangkok for everyone who loves gold and jewelry, the entrance costs 15 baht or 50 cents, the temple is open from 9 am to 6 pm.

Temple Wat Arun or Temple of Dawn

We go further to the Temple of Dawn or Wat Arun, named after the ancient Indian god of Dawn. Believe it or not, all the towers here were made of real Chinese glass and porcelain, you should see it with your own eyes.

The most impressive thing is the staircase. To climb the 80-meter-high pagoda, you need to climb an 80-degree staircase, almost vertically. The cost of entering Wat Arun is 25 baht or almost one dollar, the temple is open from 9 am to 5 pm.

Again, do not forget to get fully dressed and buy some water before going to this place, it is very hot here. The temple can be reached by river in a rented boat, the cost of renting a boat is 25 baht plus parking for the boat 25 baht, parking at your expense. You can save money on the crossing, for example, take a public ferry, ferries run every 15 minutes, the price of a ferry ride is almost three times cheaper than that of local businessmen.

Lumpini Park

Lumpini Park is another example that is included in the sights of Bangkok. This park is located in the very center of the city, but you cannot get here with excursions, only on your own.

This park has very beautiful lawns and small sculptures, this park offers a gorgeous view of the skyscrapers of Bangkok, here you can swim on catamarans, but the most important thing for which you need to come here is to look at animals walking right in the park with people. Here you can feed the huge catfish that come out of the water or sit on the coast with monitor lizards or look at the heron.

You can get to Lumpini Park by metro to Sala Daeng station or Silom station, the park is within walking distance from these metro stations. The metro map, which we laid out in our previous article, can also help you, you should right-click on the picture and open it in a new window, so you can enlarge the map.

Chatuchak Market

Shopping lovers in Bangkok must visit - this is the huge Chatuchak shopping market. There is no scale to this place and there are no analogues in the whole of southern Asia, there are more than 8 thousand shops with a variety of products.

You can find everything in this market: custom ice cream, handicrafts, homemade dishes, toys, animals. In general, you will have where to spend time and a good amount of money, do not forget to bargain with a smile on your face. After a successful shopping, you can go to Lumpini Park, which is located next to the market and lie on the lawn.

It will not be possible to go around all the places on your own, even for the whole rest. And it is not necessary, we have described all the most massive places in our article.Do not be afraid to travel on your own, each station has a map, and taxi drivers in a rickshaw or car will take you to any interesting place for a small fee.
